I made a short trip to Crossroads yesterday with my dad to buy strawberries from Merlin Blackwoods farm. I bought 3 gallons of strawberries for $9.00 each. They are yummy!! I made 6 pints, 14 half pints and 11-4 oz jars of strawberry freezer jam. This is my mother-in-laws recipe
Strawberry Freezer Jam
1 Quart strawberries ( 2 cup crushed)
4 cups sugar
1 box SureJel
Mix berries and sugar well
Separately combine 3/4 cup water, 1 box Surejel and bring to boil, boil 1 min stirring constantly
Stir the Surejel/water mixture into the strawberries and stir for 3 min.
Ladle into jars
Leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Put in freezer.
Strawberry Freezer Jam
1 Quart strawberries ( 2 cup crushed)
4 cups sugar
1 box SureJel
Mix berries and sugar well
Separately combine 3/4 cup water, 1 box Surejel and bring to boil, boil 1 min stirring constantly
Stir the Surejel/water mixture into the strawberries and stir for 3 min.
Ladle into jars
Leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Put in freezer.