
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Let the Planting Begin...

Finally we had two days of decent weather and the garden dried up enough for my husband to till.  I hit the local hardware store yesterday for the veggies and a few flowers.

This is a  list of what I bought:

1. Green Bean Seed - Blue Lake
2. Bib Lettuce (seed)
3. Tomato Plants - Starlight
4. Tomato Plants - Celebrity
5. Green Sweet Bell Peppers (3 plants)
6. Red Sweet Bell Peppers (1 plant)
7. Jalapeno Peppers (2 plants)
8. Straight-neck Squash Seed
9. Japanese Eggplant (2 plants)
10. Vincas (16 plants)
11. Lavender (1 plant)
12. Rosemary (1 plant)

This is what we already had:

1. Crook Neck Cucumber (seed)
2. Green Beans - Early contenders (seed)
3. Okra (seed)

Now we wait and hope everything comes up! 
P.S.  Parsley is alive!! 

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